Adult Sunday School

Adult Sunday School

Sunday, January 10, 2021

Overcoming Worry

      How would you describe a worry-free life?  The world offers us a lot to worry about: terrorism, global tensions, a fluctuating economy, and crime.  Will the national situation be better or worse next year at this time?  We also face many worries closer to home.  We worry about the safety of our kids, our health, retirement, work demands and deadlines, and the list goes on.  Of course we know we’re not supposed to worry, but let me give you a reason you shouldn’t worry: it’s not good for you.  Even for those who think they are “natural-born worriers”, an antidote is available:  trust in God.  Psalm 23 paints a picture of what it means to let go of our worries and rest in God, the loving Shepherd who takes care of us always.  God’s presence provides a way out of worry.

Psalm 23: 1-6

Bible Studies For Life

Winter 2020/2021

When Emotions Rise: Session 5